Tuesday, August 15, 2017

We All Need Mentors

The heartfelt counsel of a friend is as sweet as perfume and incense. Proverbs 27:9

Having a mentor in our lives is something that is a tool for everyone. Yes, those with addictions especially needs an accountability partner or sponsor..it's the premise behind how recoveryBox, the iPhone Addiction Recovery tool was built.

We all need someone who can give us valuable insight into situations because they have been there - done that! Sometimes we get so caught up in the turmoil of life that we just can't sort out what's real and what's just smoke. But someone who can literally say "Been there - Done that!" can help give us guidance during these times.

And sometimes we need someone to call our own bluff and hold us accountable. There is no doubt that we are going to make mistakes. But having the wisdom of others will help us minimize  the effects from those mistakes (pain, frustration, disappointment and more) and perhaps help us shape the outcome so that we choose wiser in the future.

Mentors are not just for those who are in recovery for an addiction. Having an older, wiser person involved in our lives that can counsel us is a blessing. I urge you to find that trusted person and ask for their wisdom.