Monday, August 14, 2017

Love Must Be Sincere

Love must be sincere. Romans 12:9

Has anyone ever told you that they love you but you wondered if it was sincere? Or someone said "I'm praying for you or thinking about you" in the midst of a trial..and you wonder "Really?"  I know I've heard both of these things. What  made me pause and ask myself if it was true was that their actions didn't seem to reflect God's love. But then again, perhaps it's my insecurity that makes me second guess people's motives - or perhaps I'm being judgmental. Either way, for whatever reason it's left me feeling down.

But then I fill myself with this simple verse. Love must be sincere. And I reflect on who loves me no matter what!!  I don't need to doubt His sincerity. Jesus came in human form to die a horrible death to take away my sins. His words and actions clearly tell me that He loves me so much that I don't have any doubt. I am filled with belief and satisfaction.

But how can I apply that to my life? I don't want to be one of those people who I myself don't believe. First, I try and live like Jesus. He IS my example. He really did pray for people. He truly did help the sick, hungry, lame. I want to be like that. And so when I say I am "going to do something" like that - I follow through. I live by actions speak louder than words. And so, if I commit to helping at the food bank, I can't find an excuse at the last minute. Or when I say 'Is there anything I can do for you?' I must prepare myself that it might be something hard or time consuming.

Perhaps others have or continue to show you what I call fake love. Just empty words. Don't dispair. Jesus loves you and will fill you up with His love. And so, in return, let's only have sincere love for others and ourself.