Wednesday, March 8, 2017

God's Great Gift

May the grace of The Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit be with you all. 2 Corinthians 13:14

When we reflect on the sacrifice God made on Golgatha, through Jesus Christ, for our redemption and salvation, the eternal hope that He gave us through His triumphant resurrection from the dead and the power He extends to us through the Holy Spirit, we are overwhelmed with wonder.

There is no way we could ever repay The Lord for immeasurable love. But, we could and should, open our lives to Him so that we can pass on His love to others. Christ commanded us to love one another and we love ourselves, and as He loves us.

Grace for each Moment

-- during this season, this sacrifice should be on the forefront of our minds. We should be so aware that we are undeserving and yet, there it is. Accept it and love Him back. It's free and He is waiting for you to join Him at the cross just as you are.