Sunday, January 29, 2017

A Reason To Live

“Because I live, you also will live”. John 14:19

Despite how gloomy the future seems sometimes, it is important to remember that your life and future are in the hands of God. The Christians fate is not rules by blind fate; God is in control of every situation in which you find yourself. He knows your needs and is always there to provide.
Through his death and resurrection Jesus not only gave you life, but also a reason to live. Through the Holy Spirit He provides you with the skills to cope with life. Choose life and live it in the abundance of Jesus Christ, giving Him the glory.
—I’ve got to say that I think for every person dealing with an addiction of some sort (or just really tough problems in life), this devotion speaks it all. We are not alone, he knows what we need and give it to us. Seems to me like it is up to us to just do the asking. Lord, I ask that today you help me make wise choices and deliver me from tough situations.
Grace for Each Moment