Monday, December 19, 2016

What Gift Do You Want For Christmas?

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. 2 Corinthians 13:14

"In these materialistic days, it is a real problem for many people to appreciate a precious gift that cannot be valued in monetary terms. Nevertheless, when you reflect on the sacrifice that God made at Golgatha, the redemption, salvation and hope that He gave us, it should be a source of inspiration and wonder." -- Grace For Each Moment

We can't repay God for what he has done for us. The most we can do is open ourselves up to Him through his love and accept the grace offered to us through Jesus Christ - and then share that love to all we come in contact with during our daily lives.

It's what makes this season so wonderful. We would never have this gift if it weren't for the birth of baby Jesus. Many who do not believe just don't understand how a baby could be born of a scientifically doesn't make any sense. And I myself can't explain it and I don't even pretend too either. I go by faith because of how my life has been affected by Jesus and his gift.

I want to glorify the Lord this season with my thoughts and words and actions. May you be blessed as well by this wonderful gift.