Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Finding Support

Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2

During holiday seasons is when we tend to make promises to ourselves. "I promise I will no longer drink." "I promise to no longer look a porn on the computer." "I promise to make healthy life style choices." "I promise to no longer hurt myself to deal with stress."  And it goes on....I wonder what your promise sounds like?

Oh trust me, I have made my share of promises to myself and to others. For some of us, we reach out to God and can somehow simply break the habit or addiction. For many others, we find that we need the support and understanding that comes with attending meetings like Celebrate Recovery or 12 Step programs.

This is the time of year when we are trying to figure out just how are we going to make that promise that we made to ourselves and others as well as perhaps to God, stick!

Paul wrote about how we as a body of Christ are to carry each other's burdens. I know from experience that addictions, hurts, habits and hang-ups are often seen by society as a "you" problem and not a "we" problem. But I tell you I don't think that's true. By attending such  support groups and utilizing accountability methods, "your" problem gets the help from an "our" support system.

So as you start thinking about New Years resolutions and wanting to make the ultimate life saving change , I ask you to think about attending a meeting. It can be the difference between keeping that promise or not!