Sunday, August 20, 2017

Whom Do you Owe and Apology To?

Do not withhold good from those who deserve it when it's in your power to help them. Proverb 3:27

We live in a world where time just seems to whiz on by and we seem to think that we will always have another day to get "it" done. But do we really? I mean, life is such a blessing right? Then why do we take it for granted? My dad says the train seems to be going faster and faster and I believe he is right.

Here are some examples of things that we need to do in the moment but yet we just don't for many reasons.

  • Thanking someone for going out of their way to help us.
  • Telling someone how much we appreciate them.
  • Apologizing for hurting someone.
  • Giving forgiveness to someone who has hurt us.
  • Telling someone we were wrong about something.
  • Having coffee with a friend who just needs someone to listen to them.
Life is so short and there is no time to waste - we are not guaranteed to have another day granted to us.  So let's not waste the time we have been given. Action item-- make a list of those you want to thank, apologize to, those you feel need supporting, those who need help...pick one a day and do something about it. Get that list to zero.  And then when you see an opportunity come up, don't wait!  Let's try and keep our lists empty (which is a great thing). It means we are engaging with people in the here and now which is something that those dealing with addictions and recovery often struggle.  Don't feel that you are the only one who struggles with this..I too am making my list and starting today.