Sunday, June 11, 2017

He Praises Her

Proverbs 31:2 8Her children rise up and call her blessed; Her husband also, and he praises her.  

Two years ago, my husband and his friend both made a commitment to each other to honor God, be fathers who would take a stand and raise their children to honor God and his ways.  And one of those ways is how he treats me.

Many men who are dealing with a life of addiction often talk about how they wished they had a father figure in their lives growing up. Some just didn't have a dad and were raised by a single mom and some just had a father who while present in body had checked out in so many ways.  And so, these young boys grew into men not knowing how to treat women, their moms, their wives, girlfriends and someday little daughters. These young men grew up not knowing how to be men.

Men, the Bible is filled with lessons on how to treat women. Until Jesus came, women were really treated as second class. Yes, there were a few exceptions, but for the most part women were to serve. But Jesus came and changed ALL of that. Jesus came and honored women. The Bible talks in numerous places about how the church is His bride and He loves her.

Our children learn what we teach them. If you praise your wife and lavish her with love, and help her when you see she needs it, your children will learn that. Perhaps you were not taught that, but it doesn't have to stay that way.  So men, today, find a way to praise your wife. Perhaps take a 10 day challenge and find a way to praise her for 10 days straight. If you don't have a wife, perhaps praise your daughter, or call your mother. We must honor the women in our lives and not just one day a year. let us follow the example that Jesus lived.