Thursday, February 16, 2017

Do You Truly Believe?

"I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief." Mark 9:24

How solid if your faith? Have you reduced it to outward matters of attending church, singing songs of praise, listening to nice sermons and trying to live a respectable life?

Your faith only becomes reality when the external ceremonies of Christianity become a pulsating and powerful experience in your soul. It becomes a reality when you no longer see yourself as someone defeated by sin because God's Holy Spirit who resides in you, enables you to triumph over all sin.

-- For those in recovery for an addiction (and those who are to overcome other major sins) often go through the exhilarating feeling when we first say enough is enough of our addictions, then accept the Higher power as the key to breaking this addiction. Yes, what an amazing feeling to finally be FREE!!

However, it is so easy to become complacent with our faith and fall back into the trap of relying on ourselves rather than placing our faith in Him. We need to do more than just say yes I am a believer (don't think it's not important though).  But if we are to remain in Him,, we must stay fresh..develop a discipline of meeting with Him in prayer, Bible study, fellowship with other believers to stay positive, share your story with others. 

What can you do today to believe?

Grace for Each Moment